Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Fuck the police

I would like to say a big "Fuck you!" to the Edmonto Police Service.

As if it isn't bad enough that you misallocate your resources, racially profile people, use your authority to act like assholes to kids, and generally fail to inspire any confidence in your abilities to serve and protect Edmontonians, you now have to go out and PROVE that you're a vindictive and juvenile bunch of pricks.

I'm sure you all know, but just in case:

On November 18, 2004, several Edmonton police officers were involved in staking out a downtown bar as part of a sting operation aimed at catching two men, Kerry Diotte and Martin Ignasiuk, in the act of drinking and driving. Though the force claims otherwise, the two men were no doubt targeted because of critical remarks they had made about the Edmonton Police Service in the public sphere, Diotte in his capacity as a columnist for the Edmonton Sun and Ignasiuk in his position of police commissioner.

Both men went home in taxicabs, which the police tried to follow but quickly lost, and the plot was uncovered when other journalists from the Sun heard comments made by the police on their scanner. The Edmonton Journal recently released excerpts from the tape made of the communiques between the police officers, and they are disgusting. Besides referring to patrons leaving the bar as 'faggy' and disparaging Diotte's reputation as a journalist, one officer talks about getting a 'chubby' just thinking about pulling over the targeted men.

Is this for real?

The Edmonton Police Service conducted an internal investigation that exonerated most of the officers under review, but fortunately, thanks mainly to the release of the transcript excerpts, city councilors and the Alberta solicitor general are now calling for a public independent review of the case.

My question is: Why did this take so long?

The Edmonton Police Service (and, I believe, most Alberta police forces) has in essence been, er, policing itself for the past long while. This is a recipe for corruption and abuse of power if I ever saw one, and it's about damn time the province of Alberta began requiring police forces in its jurisdiction to deal with situations like the current one involving Edmonton's police not internally but publicly.

Contact the city councilor who represents you and let them know you want Edmonton's (or wherever you live) police force to be held accountable to the citizens who are supporting it!

Who is your city councilor and how do you contact them?
Go here and do some research!


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